Trace Mobile Number with Owner Name and Location

As soon as we get a call from an unknown number, we get desperate to know whose number is this? So this article will guide you in tracing a mobile number with its name and location. There are several websites which allow us to trace mobile number but hardly only a few of them works. But the website which I have mentioned in this article works great. So without wasting much time, let’s get started.

How to Trace Mobile Number with Owner Name

  • Navigate to Truecaller website.
  • Enter the mobile number whose owner name you want to trace and select your country.

  • Next, click the search button and sign in with any social profile.
  • It will now show the owner name of the provided number.

Using the above method you can easily trace mobile number with name. But in-case if you don’t want anyone to trace your name using your mobile number then you can simply unlist your number from Truecaller database. Here are the steps to remove your number from Truecaller database.

Unlist Your Mobile Number From Truecaller

  • Navigate to TrueCallerUnlist.
  • Now you can see a form to unlist your number, Enter your phone number with country code and select a reason why you want to unlist your number from Truecaller.
  • After entering the above details and verification code simply click the unlist button to remove your number from Truecaller database.
  • Now your number will be no longer searchable.

One of the biggest limitations of True caller website is it only allow us to find the owner name of a particular phone number we can’t trace its location. To trace the location of a certain phone number there is another website called IndiaOnaPage.

Unfortunately, this website only works for Indian mobile numbers. So just follow the below instructions to trace the location of a mobile number.

How to Trace Mobile Number with Location

  • Navigate to IndiaOnaPage.
  • Now enter the desired mobile number and click the trace button.
  • As you can see you have now we have traced the location of the mobile number.


Wrapping it Up

Hope you are able to trace mobile number with owner name and location. Of course, you won’t get the exact location, but its good enough to get a hint of the victim. Also, check out our article on a killer hack to add recycle bin to your Android device.


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