5 cPanel Tricks That Will Make It Easier to Manage Your Website       

cPanel is a Linux- and web-based management system and Graphical Interface (GUI). You can carry out a number of hosting-related tasks using cPanel, such as managing domains, creating email accounts, and organizing files.

cPanel can also be used to manage numerous websites from one user interface. This makes the system a popular choice for WordPress entities that manage many hosting resellers, affiliate marketers, and clients. 

You can use a number of control panels for WordPress, but cPanel is probably the most common. The system claims to manage over 70 million sites using its software.

Now that the answer to “what is cPanel” is clearer, did you know you could use it to perform a range of key website management tasks? Here are five ways the system can make your day-to-day website admin easier.


1. File management 

WordPress has an integrated media uploader that can be used for images, videos, and other common resources. It’s also possible to upload plugins and themes using the WordPress admin dashboard. Yet, a site error can stop you from uploading a certain resource using WordPress’ inbuilt features. In these cases, you might be able to fix the error by uploading a file manually. 

Files can be uploaded and managed using the File Transfer Protocol (FTP) as long as you’re familiar with it. If not, this option isn’t viable. 

You can use an accessible GUI via cPanel’s File Manager, making uploading files to your server effortless. Choose File Manager from the cPanel dashboard to use this tool. Then, select the Upload tab and the files you wish to upload. You can create them within the website’s file system too, which will save you lots of time when working with simple files.

2. Use a single account to manage multiple domains

Let’s say you want to operate numerous websites, but you don’t want to buy hosting for each domain separately. cPanel lets you add many domains to the same account with its Addon Domains tool. You enter the domain name you want to add in New Domain Name, and the system populates the Root and Subdomain automatically.

You can use FTP with that domain by creating an FTP account connected to that Addon Domain checkbox. Then, cPanel adds the domain to your hosting account. You repeat the process for each domain you want to be added. 

3. Monitor performance

More than half of visitors navigate away from a site that takes more than three seconds to load. The bounce rate increases by around 33% on average as page load times increase from one to three seconds. Monitoring how your site performs is paramount to retaining and growing an audience. You can do this with cPanel’s Resource Usage. This tool will pinpoint any services or apps that are using up too many resources. It can also help you check if it’s time to make hosting package upgrades. If your site is experiencing a surge in traffic, this is especially important.

4. Changes to your PHP version

New PHP versions can introduce new features, performance improvements, and security updates. It’s a good idea to run the latest PHP version to make sure you’re benefiting from these changes. You can use cPanel’s Select PHP Version to update the PHP. It affects your website’s operations, particularly if you’re using third-party plugins and themes.

To downgrade or upgrade, go to the main dashboard and choose PHP Version. You’ll see the current version at the top of the page. Go to Current PHP Version and select the respective version from the list. 

5. Use cPanel to password-protect your site 

cPanel offers a number of security features to protect your website, including password protection for sensitive files and folders. If you share your site with others, passwords can be particularly helpful. Password protection can be used to control which parts of the site partners or freelancers have access to.

If things don’t work out with these people, the passwords can limit the extent of damage the third party can do to your site. They are also used to protect it against accidental damage, like deleting an important file by mistake.



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