Convert a PDF File to Word, ePub, Excel or JPG in Single Click

There are often times when we need to convert a PDF file into a word document or converting a document into a PDF file. Even completing these tasks are pretty easy if you have the right tools. But as you already know that, most of those tools are paid one.

But just in case if you do not want to spend a single buck on a PDF converting tool. Then this article is for you. We will be introducing you to a Free tool which you can use to convert your PDF files. Plus you do not even have to pay a single dollar to use it. Sounds interesting right?


Hipdf is one of such tools which you can use to convert your documents to a PDF file. It is completely web based application which works extremely great.

The best part about this tool is it does not ask you to sign up on the website. Just head over to the website and start converting the files without any registration.

You may have this question in your head that, whatever files you will upload on the website will be stored on their servers or not? Well then let us mention that, whatever files you will upload to the website will stay over there for a temporary period only. The website will delete all the files after an hour. So you do not have to worry about your privacy.

Also, the other good thing about the website is it’s user interface. It is pretty clean and easy to understand. So if you are going to try out the web based application for the first time. Then it would not be an issue to you.

As it is a web based tool it can be used from all types of devices. For example, you can use a mobile device to convert your files. This make it very convenient to use.

Anyways, here are some of the top features of the Hipdf.

Best Features of Hipdf:

  • Hipdf can convert Word file to a PDF file and vice versa.
  • You can use the website to convert PDF into an image file. The supported image formats are JPG, PNG, GIF, TIFF and a few more.
  • You can convert a PDF to ePUB.
  • You can convert PDF files to Excel and PPT.
  • Similarly, you can use the website to convert Excel and PPT files to a PDF.

Well, those were some of the most common features of the app. However now just in case if you are wondering how to use Hipdf, then here is a small guide for you:

How to use Hipdf?

  • First of all, go to –
  • Then here you have to select between different options. For example PDF to Word.
  • Now it’s time to upload your document/file.
  • After the file is uploaded, it will take few seconds to convert the file. Once the file is converted you will get the option to download it.


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