How to Create a Signal Account Without a Phone Number?

Signal is a well-known messaging application renowned for its emphasis on security and privacy. With Signal, users can easily exchange messages, make voice and video calls, and effortlessly share files, all without incurring any charges. This non-profit organization was established in 2018 by Moxie Marlinspike and Brian Acton.

This app is meticulously designed to prioritize the confidentiality and protection of its users. It achieves this through the implementation of end-to-end encryption, ensuring that messages can only be read by the intended sender and recipient, eliminating any potential security concerns.

In addition to its robust security measures, Signal offers a multitude of features to enhance user experience. These include options to set messages to automatically disappear after a specified period, various biometric authentication choices, screen security settings, and much more.

While Signal has been in existence for quite some time, its popularity has experienced an exponential surge since January 2021. Millions of individuals who were previous users of WhatsApp and other similar applications have made the transition to Signal.

Comparisons between Signal and Telegram have also become prevalent. Given this widespread interest, it is worth exploring the services and features Signal has to offer, as well as the process of signing up for Signal without the need for a phone number.

Signal As A WhatsApp Alternative

In the early days of January 2021, WhatsApp made an announcement regarding an update to its privacy policy. Starting from February 8, the application was set to transfer user data to its parent company, Facebook. This data encompassed a range of information, including users’ phone numbers, address books, status data, profile names and photos, additional app details, location, dates, shopping lists, and more.

The audacity of this official stance provoked widespread dissatisfaction among millions of WhatsApp users, leading to a mass exodus towards alternative platforms. Among these alternatives, one notable messenger that gained considerable traction was Signal.

Telegram also witnessed a substantial influx of users. In the span of just one week in January, Signal saw nearly 9 million individuals flocking to its platform, while Telegram reported a surge of 11 million or more users.

For individuals who prioritize privacy and security, Signal app emerges as the top alternative to WhatsApp. While both platforms incorporate end-to-end encryption, Signal takes an extra step in enhancing security by refraining from storing user data on servers. On the other hand, WhatsApp retains message data and user information for a limited period.

In terms of functionality, Signal and WhatsApp share numerous similarities. They enable users to exchange text messages, share photos, videos, voice notes, documents, and engage in voice and video calls.

However, Signal surpasses WhatsApp in terms of exclusive features. These include the ability to verify the identity of contacts, screen security settings, and messages that automatically disappear after a set period of time.

Signal Phone Verification Process Using FelixMerchant Service provides a convenient solution for obtaining virtual or temporary phone numbers to facilitate Signal phone verification. These virtual numbers can be purchased through their platform. To verify your Signal account using FelixMerchant, follow these steps:

Step 1: Begin by downloading and installing the Signal app from your smartphone’s respective app store.

Step 2: Launch the app and enter the virtual number obtained from FelixMerchant.

Step 3: Once you’ve entered the virtual number, Signal will initiate the verification process. In the case of using a FelixMerchant virtual number, a unique Signal Phone verification code will be sent to you. To obtain the verification code, you need to engage in a chat conversation with their support agent. They will request the transaction ID from your purchase and promptly provide you with the verification code.

It’s important to note that each virtual number allows for the creation of one Signal account. If you wish to create additional accounts, you will require another virtual number. In case you encounter any difficulties during the verification process, you can always reach out to Signal’s support team for assistance.

Android Emulators for Signal Account Creation

If you’re looking for Android emulators to assist you in creating a Signal account, there are several options available that provide a smooth and efficient experience on your computer. Here are a few recommended emulators:

Memu: Memu is a high-performance Android emulator known for its fast operation and stability. It offers a wide range of apps and games and allows for extensive customization of settings to suit your preferences.

LDPlayer: LDPlayer is a popular emulator that delivers an excellent Android experience on your computer. It offers advanced features such as multi-instance support, multi-language support, and key mapping, enhancing your gaming and app usage experience.

NoxPlayer: NoxPlayer is a free Android emulator that provides a user-friendly interface and a vast library of Android apps and games. It offers customization options, including keyboard and mouse settings, to tailor your experience according to your needs.

These emulators serve as reliable tools to create and use Signal accounts on your computer, providing the flexibility and convenience of an Android environment without the need for a physical device.

Creating a Signal Account on a Computer Using an Android Emulator

To create a Signal account on your computer using an Android emulator, it’s important to note that phone number verification is necessary. Please ensure that you have access to a mobile device throughout the process. Here are the steps to set up your account using an Android emulator:

  • Step 1: Begin by downloading and installing an Android emulator on your computer.
  • Step 2: Launch the emulator and sign in using your Google account credentials.
  • Step 3: Open the Google Play Store within the emulator and search for the Signal app.
  • Step 4: Install the Signal app from the Play Store within the emulator.
  • Step 5: Once installed, open the Signal app and carefully follow the instructions provided on the screen.
  • Step 6: During the registration process, you will be prompted to verify your phone number. Use the Signal SMS verification code received on your mobile device to complete the verification and registration procedure.
  • Step 7: Congratulations! You have successfully set up your Signal account on the Android emulator. You can now send and receive messages, as well as make calls through the app.

By utilizing an Android emulator on your computer and following these steps, you can enjoy the functionalities of Signal conveniently from your desktop or laptop.


In recent times, Signal has witnessed a surge in popularity owing to its exceptional commitment to online privacy and security. This messaging application has garnered a significant user base, especially among individuals who prioritize secure communication, including journalists and activists.

Signal provides a reliable and robust messaging platform, ensuring that users can engage in conversations with utmost confidence in the privacy and security of their communications.

Himangi is passionate about keeping up with the ever-evolving landscape of technology. In her free time, she indulges her interests in neuroscience and art.


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