Running Your Business: Should You Switch to Linux OS?

In order for any business to run as efficiently as possible it needs all of its individual processes to align smoothly. For that to happen, there will always be a heavy reliance on its software operating system.

Ask a provider of IT-managed services, like the GPK Group, for instance, and they will tell you that a Linux operating system is the preferred choice for many professionals because of its superior and advanced capabilities.

If your business is not already taking advantage of what Linux OS has to offer, here is a look at how it can improve your efficiency and processing capabilities.

A brief overview of Linux OS

A good starting point would be to get a clearer picture of what Linux OS is all about and what features it offers that make it such a popular option.

On the face of it, you might make the assumption that Linux is an operating system that is much the same as its rivals, Windows, and Mac. There is a certain amount of crossover between all of these options, but you will find that a large percentage of the internet is actually powered by Linux. It is the system that drives all of the world’s supercomputers at this point in time.

One of the fundamental reasons why Linux is so popular amongst IT professionals is the fact that it offers advanced capabilities. It also offers the advantage of large software repositories. This means you can focus on doing your work without having to think about managing your computer’s ability to cope with the demands you have placed on it.

Let’s take a look at some of the distinct advantages for businesses attached to choosing Linux as your operating system.

A cost-effective solution

From a cost perspective, Linux is an easy no-brainer business decision. That is because it is licensed as free software.

Being able to use software that does not have restrictive licenses allows you to use virtually all of its software and features without it costing your business anything.

Robust security and privacy features

The fact that Linux is trusted to power huge parts of the internet is a clue in itself about how secure the software and system are from viruses and breaches.

It has advanced security features that work by applying restrictions to each user’s operations. This segmentation feature ensures that a user is not able to damage or modify any part of the system beyond their own files.

You will also discover that Linux OS is considered less vulnerable to malware and viruses than rival operating systems.

A safe and easy way to update your software

The way software is organized within Linux is in repositories. This is a secure place where controlled official versions of all software are held.

These repositories are strictly monitored by the Linux community. This ensures that every application you download has been updated and can be considered safe.

Being able to update your software from one trusted source is a big advantage in terms of saving time and money. Software repositories are a safe and easy way to update your software, which is a great option for your business.

Easier to use than you think

A popular misconception about the Linux operating system is that it is intended to be used by advanced users only. In the past, Linux was probably more technical to use than it is now, which is probably why the myth about being difficult to use has persisted.

The opposite is now true with the modern version of Linux OS. You will quickly discover that this operating system is just as easy to use and navigate your way around as its rivals.

When you use Linux, you are presented with a desktop environment that is easy to understand and use. What is going on in the background might be technical but what you are seeing and using is easy to grasp.

Excellent performance capabilities

What makes Linux a great choice for business owners is its performance capabilities.

At the heart of its excellent performance is its software ecosystem. IT professionals particularly like this aspect of Linux because it creates a stable and fast-paced environment that is capable of delivering a good performance, even with dated hardware.

The key point about that from a business perspective is that when Linux can cope with outdated software it means you don’t have the same level of expense as you would if you were upgrading software more frequently.

Key considerations before deciding to switch

As you can see, there are some distinct advantages attached to switching to Linux OS. However, it would be prudent to check compatibility and other considerations so that you know your transition will be seamless.

Although Linux is considered easy to use for many, it would be a good idea to make sure that your technology literacy is at the sort of level required to be comfortable with using the system without any difficulties.

A good way of checking this would be to download a live distribution of Linux so that you can try it before deciding to install the software.

You should also verify that your key software applications are available in a Linux version.

In summary, Linux OS can be considered to be a superior rival to Windows and Mac. When you take advantage of all of its capabilities you will discover that it is capable of increasing your levels of productivity.

Another persuasive argument in favor of Linux as the operating system is that it provides a stable and secure platform that is free to use. Every business has to be cost-conscious but without compromising on quality or productivity.

Linux OS provides you with a platform that delivers good security and excellent functionality without costing as much as rival operating systems.

It could make good business sense to talk to your IT support provider about the idea of switching to Linux OS. Could it be your preferred option to help provide the framework for running your business efficiently and cost-effectively?


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